We are always looking for volunteers to help in the four areas listed below. If you are interested in any of these opportunities please do get in touch.
We particularly need Site Guides, but if you have interests and abilities which aren’t covered below but which you think would be of help we would still love to hear from you.
Volunteer Site Guides

Would you like to help to welcome visitors to Gisborough Priory?
We have a dedicated group of volunteer Site Guides who help to open the site and provide information to visitors. They are based in the small hut near the priory entrance. Site Guides usually work one or two sessions per week on their own (after training), although some only work a couple of times per month – it’s whatever works best.
Site Guides give visitors:
It’s an excellent opportunity to learn more about the Priory and Gardens and you don’t need to be an expert – you may be surprised at how much you learn in a short space of time.
If you are interested why not come and talk to the Site Guide on duty. You could also fill in our volunteer interest form.

Volunteers have been working in the Woodland Gardens since 2007. Since then we have opened up the Monks’ Walk, uncovered medieval stonework and created new planting areas and a picnic area – but there is still more to do!
We need more people to help keep the gardens looking good and to help develop new features.
Unless otherwise specified, the sessions will involve working outdoors in the Priory Woodland Gardens. Please note that sessions may be cancelled due to bad weather or other circumstances beyond our control. We will do our best to announce when we have to cancel sessions, but you may want to ring us to be certain.
Priory Flower Borders

We have been looking after the flower borders in Gisborough Priory since 2004. As well as developing a medieval herb border and garden, we have replanted the flower borders along the walls and added colourful displays to the tubs around the priory hut.
There is always plenty to do to keep everything looking at its best. And it’s lovely when visitors compliment us on the planting.
Unless otherwise specified, the sessions will involve working outdoors on the flower borders in Gisborough Priory and possibly also in the woodland gardens. Please note that sessions may be cancelled due to bad weather or other circumstances beyond our control. We will do our best to announce when we have to cancel sessions, but you may want to ring us to be certain.

We organise a number of special events throughout the year. These reflect the changing seasons as well as the history of the priory and gardens. They are held in the woodland gardens and sometimes also on the priory site. Entry is free.
We already have a great team of people who help but we are always looking for more people to help to:
If you think that you would like to help, we would love to hear from you.